Please introduce yourself so we can help with any questions you may have!
Will I be welcome? Will I fit in?
All are welcome! Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we extend a warm welcome to all joining us in worship.
Where is the church located?
We are located in the Erin Mills South area of Mississauga, next to the South Common Centre and Wal-Mart. Our address is 3535 South Common Court (off Burnhamthorpe Road between Erin Mills Parkway and Glen Erin Drive).
We have ample free parking in front of the building. Also, we are handy to public transit – South Common bus terminal is immediately east of our building.
When are the services? What time should I arrive?
We have two services each Sunday morning – 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Learn more about our Sunday worship services.
Arriving 10 to 15 minutes before the service starts will give you time to get your bearings, make yourself known to one of our greeters, who will answer any questions you may have, and get settled in the worship space.
Where should I go when I arrive?
To enter the church, use the entrance with the two glass doors.
What should I wear?
Wear what you are comfortable wearing. We gather as one in Christ Jesus – some casual, others more dressed up. We are excited that you’re joining us and want you to be more focused on the experience than what you’re wearing.
What happens when I visit for the first time?
Inside the entrance of the church, you’ll meet our greeters, who will give you a friendly welcome and answer any questions you may have. At the entrance to the worship space you will find our ushers/sidespeople, who will provide you with a leaflet outlining the service. Seating is not reserved, so sit wherever you are comfortable.
What are the people like?
Our parish family is made up of many nationalities, ages and church backgrounds, reflecting the diversity of the community in which we live. We consider this to be a great strength. Many parishioners live in Erin Mills, but many live in other areas of Mississauga and even beyond – Oakville, Milton, Burlington, Brampton and Etobicoke.
Our commonality is a desire to learn more about Jesus and what having a relationship with Him means for each of us.
What will the service be like?
Our Sunday morning worship includes hymns of praise and worship, prayers and communion.
We also “share the Peace,” which acknowledges the gift of Peace from God beyond what we can create for ourselves or others can offer us. Exchanging a greeting of peace with your neighbor, usually by shaking hands and saying “The Peace of Christ,” reminds us we are at peace with God and each other. You are invited to share in this as you are comfortable.
During our service there are times we sit, stand or kneel. If you are unsure, just watch what others do. If you have difficulty kneeling, please feel free to sit instead.
How long is the service?
The 8:00 am service lasts just under an hour; the 10:00 am service lasts just over an hour.
What about my children; do you have a nursery?
Your child(ren) may stay with you in the service if you wish. We have a nursery for small children, Sunday school for those up to grade 5 and Youth Group for those grade 6 and up.
Am I expected to give money?
We take up a collection partway through the service that goes to support our ongoing mission and ministry. As our guest you are under no obligation to contribute, though of course we are grateful if you choose to do so. Some of our regular parishioners give on a monthly basis, so it is common for many to pass the collection plate along without putting anything in it.
If you chose become a member of the parish and wish to make regular donations using our pre-printed envelopes or direct deposit, we issue CRA eligible tax receipts at year end using Donarius® church management software.
May I receive Holy Communion?
All baptized Christians, including children, are invited to receive both the bread and the wine at Holy Communion. All may come forward for a blessing, indicated by crossing your arms.
When it comes time for communion, people are guided to the front of the church. The clergy will place a communion wafer in your open palm. You don’t need to say anything, but many of us reply with a heartfelt Amen. You then take the wafer from your hand and eat it.
In the Anglican Church we drink real wine from a common cup (we sometimes call it “the chalice”), which is offered to you by a church member. You may take a sip from the cup. It’s okay to touch, hold, or steady the cup. It’s also okay to receive only the wafer. If you would rather not consume the wine, you may pause at the cup to hear the words of communion.
If you don’t want to take communion at all but would like a blessing, go to the front with everyone else and just cross your arms over your chest. You are also welcome to remain in your seat during this part of the service. If you have mobility concerns and would like communion brought to you, just signal an usher and they’ll make it happen for you.
What happens after the service?
After the service, fellowship and refreshment are offered in the church hall. Please feel free to join us so we may have the opportunity to get to know each other better.
What about the music?
Our piano and organ (as well as other instruments on occasion) help to express our worship and praise as we sing a mixture of traditional and more modern hymns.
Our choir provides musical leadership at the 10:00 am service.
Will I be asked to stand up in front of people?
You will not be singled out in any way. We hope your experience with us is comfortable for you, and it would be good to get to know you better.
I have more questions; how do I get them answered?
You may contact the church office during the daytime, Monday to Wednesday (905-820-9857), leave a message on voice mail at other times, email us at or join us for worship Sunday morning.