Our congregation has a desire to share God’s love, care and compassion with others in our community and beyond.
“My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.”
1 John 3:18
Here are some of the ways in which we are involved in our community. Volunteering helps give us a sense of purpose as well as establish strong relationships with others.
And you are welcome to take part too, just let us know in which way you would like to serve and we can connect you to the right people.
Deacons Cupboard (local food bank)
Open Door at Square One (offering Christian hospitality)
Soup at Noon
Operation Christmas Families
Operation Shoebox
Good News Musical Group
Pastoral Care/Hospital visitation
Meeting space
Inquire about renting
Many other programs are supported through parish donations, including FaithWorks, the annual appeal of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Since 1996, FaithWorks has provided more than $24 million to Anglican-affiliated ministries offering help and hope to people in need throughout south-central Ontario and around the world.
We use Donarius® church management software to track our parish members’ donations to St. Thomas à Becket and to print tax receipts at year end that meet CRA requirements.