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home  » Sunday Worship Ministry

Rosters for most of the following ministries are posted on the bulletin board next to the Lounge/Choir room.


Organist and Choir Director: Frank Iacini

The choir provides musical leadership at the 10:30 a.m. service and on special occasions at the 9:00 a.m. service. Practices are held every Thursday at 7:30 p.m.

Altar Guild

Contact: Fran Boyd

Responsible for preparing the bread, wine, Chalices, and linen for all worship services.

Altar Flowers

Contact: Lynne Jackson

This team arranges the flowers for Sunday worship and special occasions such as weddings, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas

Chalice Bearers

9 a.m. Contact: Diane Huba

10:30 a.m. Contact: Margo Brickell

Assist the clergy during Communion by administering the Chalice.


9 a.m. Contact: Joan Pollard

10:30 a.m. Contact: Clarence Williams

Participate in proclaiming the scriptures through the reading of the first and second lessons at the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services


9 a.m. Contact: office

10:30 a.m. Contact: Phillip Brown

Welcome people to the services, take up the offering, and guide people to Communion

Servers Guild

Contact: Jim Woolley

Young people, 12 years and older, lead the choir procession, act as candle bearers and assist the clergy in preparing the bread and wine for Communion.

Prayers of the People

9 a.m. Contact: Kevin Meaney

10:30 a.m. Contact: Yvonne Baxter

Lay people lead the intercessory prayers during Sunday services.

Prayer Chain

Contacts: Joyce Gunter, Joan Pollard

Functions as a means of supporting and upholding in prayer those identified on the prayer list each Sunday. The Prayer Chain members may be contacted for prayers of concerns or thanksgiving to be included in the member's daily prayers.


10:30 a.m. Contact: Joan Nicholson

Welcome all who enter, especially newcomers, and try to be of help providing information and direction.

Sunday Coffee

Contact: Cathy Woolley

Volunteers set up and serve refreshments for our time of fellowship following the 10:30 a.m. service.

Seniors' Communion

Contact: Jim Woolley

Holy Baptism

Baptismal dates are set to coincide with major Christian festivals:

Workshops outlining some basic meanings of Holy Baptism take place a week before each Baptism. The expectation is that the candidate (or for infant Baptism, at least one parent) is a worshipping participant in the St. Thomas à Becket Christian community. Holy Baptism takes place within the context of public worship.

"If the parents of a child do not honestly intend to continue to worship regularly with the child, they are most strongly urged to postpone baptism until the child makes his or her own decision." - excerpt from a Diocesan brochure

Other Sacraments, such as Confirmation and Marriage, may be arranged by speaking to the Rector.