David has given his life to the call of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His love for Scripture and God’s Word holds a foundational place in his life and calling. He received his Master of Divinity degree in Theology from Wycliffe College – University of Toronto in 2012. Since his ordination in 2014, he has worked as Associate Priest at Trinity Anglican Church in Sarnia.
While at Trinity Anglican Church, he was part of the team of dedicated lay people and clergy who have grown and developed their youth ministry and small group ministry, as well as participating in the overall growth of the church. In his spiritual journey he has encountered a variety of expressions of worship across different denominations and different styles of music, all the while valuing the gifts and structure of the Anglican tradition. In addition to parish ministry, David’s experience includes working with youth and foreign missions. He has been extensively involved in discipleship, outreach, evangelism, preaching and pastoral care.
David’s heart is set on providing leadership in the building of community, especially here at St. Thomas à Becket, where finds a congregation filled with of love and support, and parishioners who are active in our community, faithful in worship and who have great compassion for those beyond our walls. David and his wife Carolyn are very excited to be part of the St. Thomas à Becket Anglican Church family, and about what God can do here.
Reverend David Matthews
- Incumbent
- david@stthomasabecket.net