St. Thomas à Becket Anglican Church » Outreach
Outreach Team Chair: Church Office
The parish has committed itself to fulfill its calling to serve one another by providing educational opportunities and financial contributions to help people in the community.
FaithWorks Diocesan Outreach
FaithWorks, begun in 1997, is an annual appeal throughout the Diocese of Toronto. Similar to the United Way, FaithWorks is an umbrella initiative that identifies and selects several charities, organizations and other initiatives that help people in a variety of ways:
- Anglican Appeal
- LOFT (formerly known as Anglican Houses)
- Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF)
- Anglican Church in Canada North
Other helping agencies grouped by special concern:
- Youth hostels and street ministry
- The Bridge - ministering to those coming out of prison
- St. Stephen's Community Ministry (Jane-Finch corridor)
- The Dam - youth drop-in centre in Meadowvale
Parish Outreach
The St. Thomas à Becket parish also selects several charities and organizations to assist financially:
- Agape
- Foodpath
- Outreach walk
- World Vision
- Canadian Bible Society
- The Open Door - ecumenical ministry in Square One Shopping Centre
- Hospice of Peel
- Bereaved Families of Ontario
- SHARE - Halton/Peel farmers providing livestock and expertise to villages in Central and South America
- Peel Literacy Guild
- Leprosy Mission
- Armagh House - women and children's shelter
- Anglican Worship Resources Society
- Deacon's Cupboard, located at St. Peter's, Erindale
Community Outreach
St. Thomas à Becket Christian Nursery School
Phone: 905-607-0863
Weekday Contact: Karen Ewen
Meets every morning and three afternoons a week. A Board of Directors, made up of parishioners, looks after the financial and physical management of the school.
Caring and Sharing
This Mississauga non-denominational group, also called "Neighbours helping Neighbours", contributes weekly, or on an individual basis, through a group network, an item of food or other necessity for a family in need.
Christmas Gift and Food Baskets
Contact: Diane Huba, Diana Maxwell
Parishioners sign up during the Advent season to provide food for a Christmas dinner and individual gifts for each member of several different families in need who have been identified to us by local service agencies. One person is required annually to coordinate this activity, which takes about one hour per week from mid-October through Advent.