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St. Thomas à Becket Anglican Church » Nurturing Ministry

We nurture and encourage one another through participation in both worship and mid-week activities, especially in small group settings, that take place throughout the Church year. The goal of each group is to encourage learning, fellowship, caring, and sharing with each other. Watch the Sunday Bulletin for dates and times of these activities.

Canterbury Guild  (Anglican Church Women)

Contact: Cathy Woolley

Anglican Church Women meet at 7:45 pm on the fourth Monday of the month for fellowship, dinners, outreach and special speakers. All women are welcome to join this group.

Men's Group

Contact: Peter Marshall

All men are welcome to join the Men's Group for breakfasts, usually held the third Saturday of the month. The primary focus of the group is fellowship; however, they also enjoy their annual Plant Sale fundraiser.

Newcomer's Ministry

contact office

Welcomes new families, helps them settle into their new Church home, and plans a newcomer's luncheon.

Conversational Dinners

Contacts: Mike and Jane Farrell

A marvelous way to get to know fellow parishioners and enjoy a delicious meal in a relaxed setting. Guests are matched up with hosts who set a dinner date and provide a main course. Guests bring other courses and the fun and fellowship begins.

Tuesday Afternoon Fellowship

Contact: Betty Baker

Meets every second and fourth Tuesday afternoon for fellowship and service. Activities include making Baptismal banners and planning two annual Senior's Teas. All women are welcome to join this informal group.

Health and Wellness Ministry

Contact: Jane Farrell

This group promotes the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of parishioners through special speakers and programs.

Parish Social Events

Various events take place throughout the year that all parishioners, young and old, look forward to:

Pastoral Care and Lay Ministry

Connects parishioners one to another. Not a formal group as such, but individuals who visit the sick and shut-ins, either in person or by phone. Other activities include: