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St. Thomas à Becket Anglican Church »
                                       Christian Education Ministry

Christian Education encompasses a full range of activities:

Children in Church School, teens and pre-teens in the Youth Groups, and adults are all involved.

Nursery and Church School

Contact: Michael Kelly

At the 10:30 a.m. Service (September to June)

A Nursery for infants and toddlers up to age 3 is offered each Sunday.

Church School is offered for children age 3 and up. All children (except toddlers and infants) go into worship to receive Holy Communion or a blessing , then return to their classes.

Each teaching unit is based on one of the three Scriptural passages read during each Sunday worship service in the three-year ecumenical cycle.

Ideally, each group within the Church School has at least one teacher and one assistant who support each other in conducting the class. The Church School is co-operative, encouraging parents and others to volunteer for at least six consecutive Sundays during the year.

The Church School offerings go to organizations that help children, such as "World Vision".

Youth Ministry

Contacts: Brian and Nancy O'Shaughnessy

This team meets several times a year to plan activities for the young people of the parish. The team recruits volunteers to help run their events and oversee the youth activities.

Book and Video Library

Contact: Mila & Ed Jack

Located in the lobby (narthex) area near the lounge. A variety of Christian literature is available for loan as well as uplifting subjects of general interest. Parishioners are informed of any new material added to the library in the Newsletter, in the weekly bulletin, one the Web site, and at the end of the Sunday service. If you would like to recommend a book that you found particularly enjoyable or helpful, please put a note either on the library bulletin board or in the book return drop box -- others may appreciate your suggestion.