home  � Weekly Bulletin

This Sunday : December 14, 2003

10:30 am
Zephaniah 3:14-20 Rejoicing in restoration
Isaiah 12:2-6 (Canticle 3) Singing for joy
Philippians 4:4-7 The joy of trusting God
Luke 3:7-18 Good news, hard sell

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  • Nations of: Benin, Cote d�Ivoire, Togo
  • Anglican Communion: Give thanks for the Church of the Province of Southern Africa.
  • Diocese of Toronto:  Samaritan House (FaithWorks)
  • Mississauga Deanery: The congregation of St. Bride, Clarkson

For pick-up:

Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board for:

Items/Tickets for Sale in the Parish Hall:

Are You New to St. Thomas � Becket?

If you are a newcomer to St. Thomas � Becket it is a pleasure to welcome you to our worship services this morning. Please fill out a pew card. Immediately following the service, there will be someone in the Lobby to personally visit with you and answer any of your questions. We�re glad you�re here.

Thanks for coming�hope to see you again!

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The Week's Events

Monday, December 15

11:00 am             Seniors� Communion, 2250 S. Millway

Wednesday,  December 17
11:45 am

Seniors� Communion, 2305 St. Millway

3:30 pm

 Communion Service at Erin Meadows  Seniors� Residence

Thursday,  December 18
11:00 am

Jim downtown at Planning & Development Board Meeting

7:30 pm Choir Practice  If you would like to join the choir, please call Cindy

Sunday, December 21  -  4th   Sunday of Advent
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
Holy Communion
Christmas Readings & Holy Communion
Carols & Lessons with Drama Presentation
Micah 5:2-5a
Luke 1:47-55 (Canticle 18)
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45

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Coming Events

Alpha Task Force

Alpha includes dinner, a talk, and a small group discussion.

To offer the Alpha course we need support from the congregation.  You may not want to attend the 10-week course but may feel called to help in other ways.  You might feel comfortable setting tables, serving, or cleaning up following the dinner.  If you enjoy cooking you might like to prepare a main course, salad or dessert.  If you would like to be part of the Alpha Task Force see the sign up sheet on the bulletin board or speak to Judy or Bonnie.

Deacon�s Cupboard  This ministry, at St. Peter�s, Erindale, is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to noon, until this Wednesday, December 17th.  It will reopen on Wed., January 7th.  There is a large blue bin in our narthex for donations.  Contact Shirley Fraser for more information.

Christmas Hampers The wish lists and dinner requirements of seven families are posted in the Anglican Hall.
Items must be received no later than the morning of  Sunday, Dec. 21.

Christmas Eve Services   Wednesday, December 24

6:00 pm for families with very young children
8:00 pm for families of all ages
11:00 pm traditional Christmas Eve service with choir

Christmas Day    Thursday, December 25

10:00 am Holy Eucharist (said)


The Archives and Museum of St. James Cathedral present Cr�ches from across the World

The exhibit will be open every day from December 5 until December 23, from 1:00pm- 4:00pm and again on Saturday, Dec. 27 & Sunday, Dec. 28.

Admission by donation.

A visit to this exhibit has become a tradition for many families from across the Toronto Regions.  Different each year. It is of appeal for all ages, and children particularly enjoy the special hands-on activities and stories.

For further information or to arrange an appointment, call Nancy Mallett 416-364-7865 ext. 233

The Archbishop�s Levee 2004 at the Cathedral Church of St. James

Please join Archbishop Finlay and the College of Bishops as we gather around our Lord�s Table to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and to offer best wishes and payers for the New Year.  January 1st, 2004, 11:15 am � 2:00 pm

Annual Vestry Reports  A reminder to all chairs of ministries and committees to submit your report and financial statement via email, diskette, or hand-written (if you don�t have a computer) to the secretary�s office no later than Monday, January 5, 2004.  

Alpha Celebration Dinner, Monday, February 2, 2004  7:00 pm

Come and learn about the Alpha experience from past participants.

Reminder: to those who attended the Alpha Series please return your questionnaires if you have not already done so.  Thank you.

Women�s Retreat at Mount Alverno February 7/8, 2004

Once again we will have the quiet West Wing for a time of rest, study and sharing.  The meals will be wonderful and we don�t have to prepare or clean up!  Don�t forget to come prepared to walk the 100 plus acres

Outreach Project: St. Augustine�s parish, Grahamstown, South Africa

Pennies from Heaven - Small change makes changes!

A picture of St. Augustine�s Church is on the bulletin board.

Outreach Corner

Volunteer Opportunities In Our Surrounding Community

Peel Literacy Guild: is looking for volunteer receptionists for either a morning or an afternoon or both if willing. Please speak with parishioner, Sonia Dowrich or call their office at 905-273-5196 and ask to speak with Sonia or Sharon. The Peel Literacy Guild office is located in the Square One area (the office building with Tim Horton�s)

Credit Valley Hospital �Recreational Pool� is looking for volunteers to supervise and clean the pool area for post-physio patients who are using the warm water pool for a self-instructed exercise programme. Please speak with parishioner, Marty Banks or call him at 905-567-4138 if you would like to volunteer.

St. Thomas � Becket Church Weekday Nursery School (Click here)

Programs offered with monthly fees:

2 Days: Preschool: Tuesday & Thursday 'mornings' $125
2 Days: Kinder Achievers - Theme block: 6 sessions, Tuesday & Thursday 'afternoons' $75*
3 Days: Preschool: Mon, Wed. & Fri. 'mornings' $155
5 Days: Preschool: 'mornings' $210
5 Days: Junior Kindergarten: 'afternoons' $220
Annual Family Registration: $30

*NO registration fee

For more information call 905-607-0863 or visit: St. Thomas � Becket and Canadian Childcare Directory.

Pennies from heaven for the Diocese in South Africa

The penny jar came about after the Outreach Committee had designated all of our funds and then heard of a struggling church in South Africa.  We thought this would be one way of assisting.  The coins were wrested for the jar by Shirley Fraser, Eric McCarthy, Gordon Baker, and Jerry & Diane Huba on Tuesday.  There were 7993 loose pennies, 55 rolls of pennies, 1 roll of dimes, 1 bill, and other loose coins.  We received $225.00 in total.  Thank you to all who contributed and to those who rolled.   Diane Lee Huba


For our ministry, mission and outreach our congregation approved a budget of $324,610. As of the end of November our Operating Deficit has been reduced from a high of $43,636. in August to $27,788.   From now until the end of the year $54,838. needs to be received in order to balance Income to anticipated Expenditures.

We invite your support through the use of Direct Debiting, or Weekly of Monthly Offering Envelopes.  Direct debiting forms and offering envelope sets are available in the Narthex.

 Also available are blank offering envelopes for those who forgot their envelope and for visitors wishing a receipt for income tax purposes. 

Extra Christmas Envelopes are available in the Narthex.  Proceeds will go towards the deficit.

Also available, blank offering envelopes for those who forgot their envelope and for visitors wishing an Income Tax Receipt.

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Last updated:  December 12,  2003

� 2002-2003, St. Thomas � Becket Anglican Church
Problems with this site? Questions? Contact: webmaster@stthomasabecket.net
Site design by Janet Cordahi