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St. Thomas à Becket Anglican Church »
                                                    Administration Ministry

Church Office Staff

Secretary: Wendy Rolfe

Offering Counters Roster: Kathy Baker

Offering Envelope Secretary: Sam Scrivo

Treasurer: Margo Brickell

Parish Communications

Friday Morning Volunteers

Various office-related jobs are performed by dedicated volunteers:

Volunteers work on a roster basis with a time commitment of about 1 to 2 hours every 4 to 6 weeks. No office experience is required.

Erin Mills Church Centre Board of Directors

Contacts: John Sterns, John Marshall, Patrick Arendse, Bob Nicholson

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall operation of the entire Church Centre. It makes decisions regarding the property, as well as the care and use of the Church Centre common space. The Board is made up of four volunteers from  St. Thomas à Becket, and four from Glenbrook Presbyterian Church and meets bimonthly for two hours.

Parish Council

The membership of the Parish Council is made up of the Rector, Churchwardens, and members at large elected at Vestry, the annual parish business meeting. They meet several times during the year and assist the Churchwardens in decision-making concerning the life of the parish.